
Showing posts from July, 2019

Life Punches You in the Face Sometimes: or Why I Didn't Get My Second Stem-Cell Placement

Long title, eh? I like that Peter Sellers shit. Or die mad - whatever makes you happy. So...this isn't going to be very satisfying to you, either - Dear Reader - but I have no fucking real idea as to why I didn't get my second stem-cell placement. About a week before the planned surgery, I got an ominous email from Jessica - the coordinator for the study - asking me if I would be available by phone the following day. It was ominous because we normally take care of most business by email, and her asking me for a direct phone call did not bode well. I told her that yes indeed I would and could call anytime. I was so stunned by what she told me that I honestly cannot remember specifics. She said stuff about numbers and my not 100% stellar outcome last time, and something about the stock of the actual plugs that they would be coating with my cells being called into question (quality-wise) but bottom (ha!) line is that they cannot help me at this time. What the actu