
Showing posts from March, 2017

I'm Not Inhaling, Though

Oh, this is always the fun part. I hope the sarcasm is loud and clear. As I’ve said multiple times, due to sensitivities that cause my guts to bleed, I can’t really take anything for my pain other than Tylenol and percocet/oxycodone. I mean, they’ve given me much, MUCH stronger stuff during surgeries/stays in the hospital, but that’s what I come home with. I’ve been on some form of oxycodone since October. This is the third time in my life that I have had to come off of this drug. All three times I was on the drug more or less six months before everything was under control/I realized I was using it for emotional pain as well/I realized that I was going through withdrawal symptoms when I didn’t medicate on a schedule. I would be sitting here on my bed, running a low-grade fever, nose running uncontrollably, completely covered with goosebumps...before the slow, dawning realization that I *wasn’t* actually experiencing the flu, I was experiencing withdrawal. It doesn't matt

A Quick Update

Ah, my darlings. There is so much to write to fill in the gap between December 15th and now it’s not even funny. Since most of that time I was out of my mind in pain and/or on drugs (both happened, frequently) I didn’t feel that I could comprehensively write in my blog, but I was doing my best to keep notes as much as possible. I’m sure you’ll understand that there were days that not only was I not picking up a writing implement, but the only touching of my computer was going to be to let it know that yes, I am still watching Bob’s Burgers, and if you stop it now, Netflix, things might get ugly up in here. This entry will be a short one, though. I mostly want to stop using a pseudonym for my hospital, since all of you are fully aware that I am being treated by the Mayo Clinic, and I’m proud to be part of their studies to (hopefully, theoretically) forward medical progress. I can’t entirely recall why I decided to use a pseudonym in the first place, other than I didn’t want