
Showing posts from 2018

An Open Letter to My Former Roommate

Just to give you some background, he moved out in the month of August, and he took his sweet time doing it. He promised me that he would clean the apartment (he did not), he promised that he would leave me furniture (it's junk, and mentioned below), and I thought that he was a good friend. I did nothing but bend over backwards to make sure that he had a safe, loving space for his two children, and this is my repayment. Any time I talk to him on the phone, he gets butthurt, asking if we're going to be friends (I'm kind of monosyllabic, I can't help it), and I just wanted him gone. This finally happened, but there were many issues, which I felt like I needed to write a letter about. I don't know if I'll ever give it to him, but there is a catharsis is writing it (and letting all of you read it). I should also note that because of the way that my apartment is designed, I was left with absolutely no furniture, and only because of my sister Jen and Benana am I

Another (!!!!!!!!!!!!) Rockstar Piercing Story

Never in a billion years did I think that I would be writing another Rockstar Piercing blog post. Which should have been my first indicator that my hubris would be punished. So now there could be endless Rockstar Piercing blog posts! Who knows?! If you’re new and need to catch up, I’ll help you out and link you: Part 1 , Part 2 , and Part 3 ...mostly because I am lazy and I do not want to explain what a Rockstar Piercing is again. Suckers! I put the picture in here anyway! If I have to live it, you can look at it. LOOK AT IT AND KNOW MY SHAME! So, if we’ve all been paying attention, since the stem-cell placement I have had an open tract that has stayed open despite attempts to treat it, mostly using silver nitrate (literally burning my ass with chemical matchsticks every other week). My Rochester surgery/gastroenterology team has watched it via MRI and nothing has changed. They’ve also checked me with another colonoscopy (yay!) and added another medication.


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…. I’ve been sitting on (hahahahaha butt jokes) a version of this post for some time. I’ve gone through a nice little run-through of all the emotions in the past four months, thus my blog silence. I’ve also been writing elsewhere, and no, you can’t read it (yet). A friend of mine nailed it on the head, first guess - I’m looking at you, Kelly - but I’m not going to talk about it and that delay - it’s totally not worth the blog space. Not even close. Instead, we’re going to go over the fact that January 24th marks my SIXTH colonoscopy. Stop and absorb that. 1 2 3 4 5 SIXTH. FRIGGING. COLONOSCOPY.  I’m 37, y’all. I do not want to hear ANYONE complaining about getting one. GET IT DONE. The reason for this one (other than the fact that crohn’s patients usually average a colonoscopy a year, and I didn’t get one done last year - score) is to check for active disease, because things have been...well, acting up