
This blog isn’t only to talk about *just* my crohn’s. It’s to deal with my mental issues as well, and I’ve been having a doozy.

Except...y'know, my hair is multicolored. But you get the idea.

First of all, as many of you know - I’ve moved. This is a positive, but still a strain, a getting used to. Everything has been going along swimmingly, and I’m finding myself quite comfortable and most importantly supported.

Then I get some hits in the gut. I’ve been dealing with a financial blow that I’m still working on. I had some terrible news where it came to my surgery (it’s been canceled, but I’m not ready to talk about it). I still have my colonoscopy coming up this month (hooray!) Then I get a familial 1-2 punch in the jaw that I was not expecting, and am having an incredibly hard time dealing with.

I realize that my family loves me, but I don’t think that negates my black sheep status. When I find out even more have this...astonishing opinion on me, it’s beyond hurtful and I’m having trouble absorbing it/coming to terms with it. I realize it’s fresh, and things with eventually smooth out, but they lost an ally forever. With their intolerance while begging for tolerance just...shut me down completely.

Apologies are hollow at this point and will be felt to be coerced. I’m not interested. Learn your lesson about burning one of your biggest allies.  


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