Humbled. Sniffling. Grateful.

Every time I go to Rochester it costs me a significant chunk of change, no matter how I cut it. If I stay in a hotel, if I make multiple trips in several days - however I do it it - inevitably costs money. Money I don't have because I have my check budgeted to the penny every single month. My bills are paid, I have my few luxuries (not really many though - I can't help but think of how many cups of coffee that I could be spending it on instead). But, I digress. The point is is that Rochester is expensive. It's a three hour drive there, and if I stay in a hotel, it's three hours back. And if there's an appointment the next day - which there usually is - I get to make that six hour trip again.

Dolla dolla billa y'all. To put in my gas tank. 

Within minutes of me posting my second stem cell research update on Friday, a family member had taken care of a hotel room for me on surgery night so I didn't have to drive nine hours on a freshly cut upon bum. In and of itself that deserves thanks that can never be repaid, but how to you say thank you for something like that? I immediately started crying and just counted all the ways that I am grateful, blessed, and loved ever so much by so many. #alwaysfamily

People love me. They really, really love me!

This particular hotel is attached to the Mayo complex, and is very easily accessible through the subway system. Even if I don't have anyone with me - which can totally be done at this point - the staff there do have transportation people whose sole job is to move patients about the hospital. I've had quite the interesting conversations with a lot of these individuals. They're fun. For some reason I can't ever get them to race me with other people in wheelchairs, so that is a bummer.

The problem here is that I will not be able to drive to get food for dinner after my surgery because of the lingering drugs in my system. There is a restaurant in the hotel if I'm not mistaken, but if memory serves, it's hella expensive and I wasn't all that interested in a $17 cheeseburger. If I can get something decent and not wallet-breaking I'd like to get something else, but I'm not exactly sure what they have there. (A sub? Chinese food? Anything? Does Taco Bell deliver??)

I will also need the dreaded change for the vending machines, because you know those terrible things never ever take dollar bills, and I'm going to need a minimum of two Cherry Cokes if I'm going to have to be forced to go through all this crap-ola.

I can function with this. I'll still need coffee. 

Oops - and I almost forgot about parking! You can't park in Rochester without getting charged for it. It's like living in Pittsburgh or Minneapolis again. It's an insane pain in the taint.

Meds should be covered, but you obviously never know until they start writing them out what they're going to give you. That's always a ton of fun as well.

All of this is to say that I have been asked several times since posting yesterday if I have a PayPal account (I do) and to post said information.

I'm more than humbled. I don't know how to say thank you except to just say it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You make this hospital journey so much easier on me.


PayPal Link:

Thank you again. I have the best, most generous people in my life.


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